
Together with the Chinese Incense Culture Promotion Association and a local incense factory with over sixty years of history, we are passing down the craft and nurturing the next generation of Taiwanese incense artisans. By blending ancient incense traditions with modern innovation, we create unique fragrances that bring the beauty of incense culture into everyday life.
  • 堅持使用100%純天然香材,完全不添加任何化學成分,讓顧客在享受純淨香氣的同時,也能守護健康。我們的產品符合國家CNS標準,並通過SGS檢驗,確保品質與安全。We are committed to using 100% natural incense materials, with no chemical additives, allowing our customers to enjoy pure incense aromas while protecting their health. Our products meet national CNS standards and have passed SGS testing, ensuring quality and safety.
  • 我們不僅在製作香,更將東方香學藝術應用於現代商業,創造出與西方氣味截然不同的獨特香氣。我們提供客製化香氣服務,根據企業需求打造專屬香氛,將東方嗅覺記憶融入商業空間,營造獨特氛圍,提升品牌形象和企業文化,並強化社交形象與品牌價值。每個空間,因香氣而留下深刻的印象。We apply the art of Eastern incense culture to modern business, creating unique incense scents that stand apart from Western fragrances. Our customized incense services enhance brand image, corporate culture, and social value, leaving a lasting impression in every space.
  • 作為中華香道推廣協會旗下的權威學堂,天子學堂致力於傳承東方香道文化,並提供系統化的香道教學。我們結合香道藝術與現代學習,提供專業課程與主題式課程,並頒發中華香道推廣協會認證的證書。As the authoritative academy under the Chinese Incense Culture Promotion Association, Tianzi Academy is dedicated to preserving and passing down Eastern incense culture, offering a systematic approach to incense education. We combine the art of incense with modern learning, providing professional and themed courses, and awarding certificates accredited by the Chinese Incense Culture Promotion Association.
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Proud of Where I’m From, Proud of My Scent.